
The Fox Of Life Blog

How To Conserve Your Energy As You Level Up In Your Work And Life Aug 21, 2024

‘If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away’ Henry David...

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How To Get A Sense Of Perspective During a Stressful Situation Aug 21, 2024

One of the most important traits of a successful leader, entrepreneur or business leader is to be able to emotionally regulate yourself, particularly when the going gets tough.  Your...

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How To Set Yourself Up For Success With A Morning Selfcare Ritual Aug 20, 2024

Morning Rituals don’t take away time from your day – they give you time.  They prime you to start the day on the right foot and give you more energy and help build focus and...

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The Best Way To Manage Change In Your Life Dec 04, 2023

Ever had to process a really big change in your life? Something which was going to change your life forever?

Well, I’m just back from dropping my daughter off to University in Holland and...

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What You Should Know About How You Spend Your Time Dec 04, 2023

Have you ever felt that you were an underachiever? Particularly during these times, when we’ve all been cocooning in our houses, you might emerge thinking what have you really achieved?

I was...

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3 Steps To Declutter Your Life Dec 04, 2023

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to lead a simpler life? A life where you actively chose the things you want to do and have in your life.

In the time of Covid 19, this question is one...

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27 Quay Street, Skerries, Co Dublin, Ireland

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The Fox of Life does not treat, mitigate or cure diseases. For those who are currently undergoing therapy, please seek advice from your doctor prior to signing up for our courses to access suitability.

Limited Liability: The Fox of Life is not legally liable for clients health related issues.