
How To Set Yourself Up For Success With A Morning Selfcare Ritual

Aug 20, 2024

Morning Rituals don’t take away time from your day – they give you time.  They prime you to start the day on the right foot and give you more energy and help build focus and attention. 

I use the following techniques to introduce a robust morning ritual:

Your WHY?

In order to be able to implement and continue with a morning routine, it's important to have a compelling and emotionally driven WHY for doing it. Motivation alone will not keep you going.

In order to establish your WHY, I recommend an exercise called ‘The 5 Whys’.  Here you ask yourself why you want to integrate a morning self care routine into your life. Drill down into the reason 5 times.  “I’d like to start a morning routine because I want to feel healthy, mentally and physically’.  Why do you want to feel healthy, mentally and physically? I want to feel healthy mentally and physically because ……’ Keep going until you have drilled down 5 times to your real WHY.  This WHY will help keep you going when the going gets tough or you are lacking in motivation – always go back to your real WHY.

Emotion for the day

When you wake up ask yourself what emotion you would like to feel during the day. 

Write it down and really tap into it and feel it.

Examine your thoughts and see are they in alignment with the feeling you want for your day.

If not, change them, again and again.

Don’t give up until you feel that emotion.

Try to stay in that emotion for the entire day.

Trust me. Over time, your biology WILL change.....

20/20/20 Rule

This rule is all about doing 3 things which bring you into the present moment, inspire you and help you to shift the energy in your body.  Here’s an example of how this works:

20 mins: Meditation/Journaling 

20 mins: Personal Development: Podcast/Book

20 mins: Body Movement: what works for you?

Design your environment so that it is primed for success. Have everything you need in a particular space and preferably start at the same time every morning. Get a good night's sleep the night before (7/8 hours). 

When the brain starts kicking off telling you why you shouldn’t do your routine, use the 5 Second Rule.  Count from 5 to 1, get moving before you reach 1 as by then the brain will have told you it’s not a good idea!  If you miss a day, don’t beat yourself up. RESET and start again ☺

Introduce one habit at a time.  It takes 21 days to create a habit.

If you need support to take your life and your career or business to the next level why not join our Lead with Grit and Grace Community where we Connect, Inspire and Grow together.

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