
How To Get A Sense Of Perspective During a Stressful Situation

Aug 21, 2024

One of the most important traits of a successful leader, entrepreneur or business leader is to be able to emotionally regulate yourself, particularly when the going gets tough.  Your leadership is measured in those 5% moments when the S*** hits the fan!  If you let the emotional brain take over, all kinds of crazy things can happen.  

  • You can send that email in a fit of range and regret it afterwards.  
  • You can become paralyzed when faced with any mission-critical decision
  • Your judgement can become clouded and you can end up acting irrationally
  • You can say something to a colleague or team member which you regret later

Being able to take yourself out of that place of panic and emotionally regulate yourself is crucial.  The sense of dread and fear often starts in the body.  You can feel tense, have sweaty palms, and feel nauseous. From there, the brain takes over and your thoughts can send your spiraling and catastrophising. 

Tune into the body for the indicators that you are in a fight or flight state and try the following tool which will help you get a sense of perspective on the situation.  It’s called the 3 P’s.  Think of a situation which you are currently finding stressful.

Personalisation: If you are taking it personally ask yourself is this situation really about me? What outside factors play a role that you haven’t accounted for?  

Permanence: If it feels like the situation will last forever ask yourself, ‘Will this be a big deal in 5 mins, 5 days, 5 months’? 

Pervasive: You may have screwed up at work but does that really mean you have screwed up with your family and all your friendships? 

These strategies offer a PAUSE button when you are feeling flooded.  They give the rational brain a chance to join the party and help you to put your experiences in perspective. And remember, when you are going through a difficult situation in your life, one thing we can be guaranteed of is CHANGE.

If you need support to take your life and your career or business to the next level why not join our Lead with Grit and Grace Community where we Connect, Inspire and Grow together.

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